Home > Went to store

Went to store

January 14th, 2005 at 05:59 am

I wasn't going to spend any money today, but I had to pick up the girls from youth group, so I stopped at walmart & spent $17.
The doubled the price of their chicken to $2. It's probably still a good buy, but I decided not to buy any.

Air dried the dishes in the dishwasher. It worked really well to soak them part way through the wash for an hour, and then restart it.

Kept the upstairs closed off to conserve heat.

Ate pancakes, which I made in bulk stored in the freezer, for lunch and the last of the chicken soup for dinner. I heated the soup on the wood stove.

I'm going to put a big bucket of water on the stove so when I need a little hot water, it is all ready for me.

When I need to get the water hot to hand wash some pots, I collected the cold water to water the plants. I figured since we had already paid to have it heated, even though it was then cold, I might as well use it so it wasn't a total loss.

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